
Loved Ones –

The last thing I want “Stories From a Streaker” to turn into is a political blog, but I feel before I can move on I need to revisit my last post, one that prompted many of you to respond; one that I feel didn’t quite reflect my political beliefs; beliefs that I would consider to be in the incubation phase.
To be quick: I pledge allegiance to a Kingdom not of this nation (as Shane Claiborne and my wise friend Daniel put it). Now, I know that not all who come across this blog have the same Spiritual beliefs that I have…and for this to be relevant to those of you who differ (as I believe it is still relevant), then I would argue that many of you still have beliefs that go beyond the boundaries of a single nation; that you believe in people, in helping others; that this is in fact the foundation of who we are as humans. Many, if not all, of us believe that we are communal beings, born to be just as supportive as we are to be supported. So, again, I pledge allegiance to a Kingdom not of this nation. I pledge allegiance to a Kingdom that has no borders. It is because I pledge allegiance to this Kingdom that I feel the need to tear myself away from our political system (in some respects). Barack Obama will not bring the change we need. John McCain will not bring the change we need. I will bring the change we need. YOU will bring the change we need. Ghandi brought the change we need. Mother Theresa brought the change we need. I do still believe that my vote on November 4th can contribute to putting a person in the presidency who will do more good than harm, as I’m sure you do, and this is why I will vote and always stay informed. That’s all it should be though; a single vote. Not an argument, not a division, not something that tears apart from the Kingdom we are actually serving…the mission of Loving.
So as I hope this clarifies my last post, I also hope that it gets you to take a deep look at the Kingdom you serve as well, prompting you to ask the question: How can I best serve, or pledge allegiance to, my real, borderless Kingdom? How have I been doing?

A quote from Mother Theresa puts my beliefs into words perfectly: “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”

Let’s not wait. Let’s streak.

for the wild,

1 comment:

Paul Lewis said...

Andrew, I enjoy reading your blog, it just continually restores my faith in your generation. I don't say this in a negative way, it just seems that apathy is the way of the world these days, and you have seemed to find a way past that.

I was remembering a story your mom told us a few months ago when one of the locals there was giving you such a hard time because you were a “Privileged kid” and could no way understand what she was feeling and how she was coping with her environment. That is a hard one deal with and even harder to retort without sounding defensive. But, as you mom was telling us that story, I couldn’t help but reflect on what Jesus did 2000 years ago. Talk about going from paradise to poverty. But his few years on earth present us with the most powerful and meaningful message ever in the history of the world. He didn’t have to leave heaven to be with us, and suffer under our brutal hands, but he did. I’m not trying to compare you with Jesus, at least not directly, but as you give of yourself everyday in a place you could have easily chosen to avoid, you are doing exactly what He wants us all to do. God will bless you in ways beyond your imagination and you will live knowing that God smiles on those who love Him and proof it every day.

Keep up this work, it honors your friends, your family but most of all, our Father in Heaven.

God Bless,
