The Blessing is in the Struggle

Dear Loved Ones,

I believe this is my first blog entry during this second school year, and this is a shame. Believe me, I have tried to write, but each time it just didn’t feel like writing, and my blogs really are as much or more for me than they are for you. I apologize to those of you who just want updates…feel free to give me a call or send me an email and we can have that personal communication and I’d be happy to do that. But I want to reserve my blog for something different…something that will allow me to express my challenges, wonderings, or experiences in a way that will help me grow and also you, hopefully in some way.

I sit down to write this entry as this year has presented many challenges that are in some ways making this year more difficult than last. You see, you always hear that your first year of teaching is the toughest, the worst! This is mainly because you have NO CLUE what the heck you’re doing. You don’t know how to lesson plan. You don’t know how to manage students. You don’t know how to be as effective as you’d like to be. You begin questioning yourself: Why did I sign up for this? Can I really make a difference? Can I even make it through this year? Am I doing more good than harm by being in this classroom? These questions are extremely typical for a first year teacher, and yet I don’t believe I ever asked myself one of them last year.

The second year is supposed to be leaps and bounds better than year one. You know what you’re doing and you get to start out fresh. You have an air of confidence and believe that this year is going to be amazing, filled with incredible student growth and you’ll get to take credit for it. This year did, in fact, begin this way. It felt so awesome during September and every other second-year teacher I know all felt the same. It was incredible, to feel like you have a handle on this profession, that you don’t need to pray to just get through the week, but you pray that you have enough time with the students to accomplish all that you know you and they are capable of. This was September.

Today it’s November. Dread creeps in with thoughts about going to work tomorrow because the students have slowly but surely begun to take over the class. More and more battles are losing ones, and the true confidence once felt when an administrator walked into the classroom in September now turns into fear that those same people will come in for a visit. What happened? How did my class turn around so quickly? How is this year so different from last?

Well, last year, almost all of my students were recent immigrants. With this, though many of them lacked education and basic abilities present in 5th graders, I had incredibly invested and well behaved students. While my friends had stories about students physically pushing them, or not being able to teach one word of their lesson because the students simply decided they had their own agenda (which included playing games and cussing at the teacher when they attempted to stop the behavior), my headaches came from one student who talked out 2 or 3 times during the lesson. I didn’t even feel like I was allowed to complain last year because I really didn’t face challenges even close to what my colleagues were facing at different schools. (To be fair to myself, none of my friends had to walk into a class for an hour and a half and teach the entire time in English to a roomful of kids who didn’t speak a word).

This year, however, I finally get to experience the students that we call “Americanized.” These are the kids with the foul language, pants literally below their butts, knives in their knickers, babies in their bellies, you know the type. I could go in depth into what made this community (the poorest congressional district in the nation) turn into the awful and dangerous place it is. I could explain why 95% of its inhabitants are Black or Hispanic and how our nation neglects to believe that this type of place exists, or that the story of Claireece ‘Precious’ Jones is not a unique one. We would end up tracing it back to segregation and then slavery and that people today just blame it on black fathers not being fathers, neglecting to realize that NO ONE is helping them and that these fathers grew up with out fathers (or positive male influences) and that their fathers’ fathers were either imprisoned for being black or lynched (or just simply not given opportunities to be educated). Let’s forget about this terrible history for a second and look at the present: The term that’s used to describe these students is “Americanized.” Funny how many people would think this term should mean free, or liberated, or full of opportunities, yet it comes to mean something that represents the complete opposite ideal of the “American Dream” even while those who it describes are pursuing just that. And while my students say that they want to find a way out, to go to college and not become drug dealers like their cousins, I can’t shake the idea that I’m failing to help them do so. I allow them to behave badly when they don’t know any better. I allow them to distract other students and hold back my consequences for bad behavior because I feel sorry for them, and know that for many of them a phone call home would mean a black eye or bruises in areas that could easily be concealed from a teacher. But I’m brought back to a conversation between Coach Boone and Coach Yoast in Remember the Titans: The white coach was caught ‘babying’ the black players when he felt bad for them. He wanted to show that he wasn’t racist. When he told Coach Boone (Denzel Washington) to lay off one of the black players, Boone calls him out. He says that Coach Yoast doesn’t baby the white players when he (Boone) yells as them, but every time he hurts the feelings of a black player Coach Yoast is right there beside him to help him through it. He tells him that this does nothing to help the players. They don’t need handouts because this will continue to hold them back.

Similarly, one of the main problems in education with the achievement gap, is that wealthy white students are told they have no excuses. Their teachers have high expectations, they believe that they can achieve at high levels and expect no less. Our country has told the poor black and Latino student that they can’t achieve, that we need to have lower expectations for them. This is so completely false, and while I know this and wholeheartedly believe this, I am not following my beliefs when I don’t come down on my students. I am not keeping them at high expectations, I just decide that it’s easier to let them win the battle at times…but it’s only easier for me, and I’m not, then, doing the job I came out here to do. Now I ask myself, in this second year, “Why did I sign up for this? Can I really make a difference? Can I even make it through this year? Am I doing more good than harm by being in this classroom?”

To be clear: I write this not for pity, or for emails of support like “You can do it…you’re doing a great job. You’re doing better than you think.” That’s not what I need. I just need to be honest with myself. I need to write this blog, to have it on paper, to admit this to you and to me and to the Internet. I need to read it again and again until I have changed. I don’t have any Christian or community supports out here to admit this to (which has been an additional struggle) so I decide to write to you. I am challenged. Through Christ, I will prevail. My students will achieve way more this year than last because of what I am going through right now. Step one: Admit you have a problem. Done. As Lupe Fiasco states, “And don’t forget, the blessing is in the struggle.” Thanks for reading.

for the wild,


Contract for Success

Below is the contract I am having my advanced English speaking class sign. I love them already and I can't wait to see their progress throughout the year. I am also including my contract to them.


I, ___________________________________ , want to succeed at the Academy for Language and Technology and to achieve in life. To help me with this, becoming a fully bilingual individual will allow me many opportunities to be the successful professional that I want to be in my life. In wanting to become a fully bilingual individual I need to do well in my English classes at A.L.T. To start, I pledge the following:

  • I pledge to be in class, on time, and prepared to do my best work all the time.
  • I pledge to try my best to speak only English in Mr. Simmerman’s class, except when instructed differently, or if I absolutely need translation help.
  • I pledge to be honest and not make excuses.
  • I pledge to respect Mr. Simmerman, other teachers, staff, my school, my peers, and myself all the time.
  • I pledge to bring my personality to this class in order to create a fun, engaging, challenging, and successful classroom.
  • I pledge to support my peers and give help where help is needed.
  • I pledge to learn, laugh, and challenge myself to become a better student and person in Mr. Simmerman’s class.

Signature _________________________________________________

Date ____________


I, Mr. Simmerman, want you to succeed at the Academy for Language and Technology and to achieve in life. It is my goal to help you become fully bilingual individuals, as it will allow you many opportunities to be the successful professionals that you want to be in your lives. In helping you become fully bilingual individuals, I need to do all that I can to challenge you, set high expectations, and give you the support that you need to find success in all of your English classes. To start, I pledge the following:

  • I pledge to be in class, on time, and prepared to do my best work all the time.
  • I pledge to challenge you to speak only English in my class, except for a few times when Spanish will be allowed, or if you absolutely need some translation help.
  • I pledge to be honest and not make excuses.
  • I pledge to respect every student, other teachers, staff, my school, my peers, and myself all the time.
  • I pledge to set an example of what respect, loyalty, honesty, integrity, fairness, resilience, and humility look like.
  • I pledge to bring my personality to this class in order to create a fun, engaging, challenging, and successful classroom.
  • I pledge to support every student and give extra help where help is needed, even if it means staying after school with students.
  • I pledge to learn, laugh, and challenge myself to become a better teacher and person for the students in this class.

Signature _________________________________________________

Date ____________

A win

Dear Loved Ones,

I wanted to share with you a “win” I’ve had with my (advanced) students this week. Without going into much detail as I should be in bed right now, I was able to facilitate a conversation with my advanced English speaking class (though the convo was in Spanish) where 3 of the biggest troublemakers of the class turned into leaders as they realized the opportunities ahead of them and how they’ve been blowing it in their efforts. They began to discuss how they need to all pull together as a class to make the most out of the rest of the year and become achievers and set themselves on paths for success. They asked me if I had anything to share and I was able to, first the first time, feel like I could inspire them and really communicate my belief in their abilities (on a week where I’ve mostly felt like a failure). I followed up this conversation with an email (we have a school website and all have email address…visit it at: and I am sharing this with you below…I received my first (and probably only) reply to the email and wanted to share that as well (short but amazingly sweet).

Dear BaƱuelos,

As I reflect on our discussion in class today I feel very inspired by your potential. I know that each and every one of you has special abilities that will help you go very far in life. YOU CAN ALL BECOME SUCCESSFUL!

The reason I told you that only 23% of Hispanic High School students in NYC graduated last year was not because I wanted to scare you or discourage you. I don't want you to think that it is too difficult. I hope that seeing this number of Latino graduates gives you the push and the motivation, that you need to achieve. Si se puede! We are in a special school and you can all graduate and go to college! You are all brilliant students and every time we have a visitor they always tell me what wonderful teenagers you all are.

I feel very luck as a teacher to have you as students and I hope that I can help you go in the right direction, to be a success in life, and to always achieve in everything you do.

I know this email was long (and is a lot of English) but I needed to send this to you.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend! See you all on Monday.

-Mr. Simmerman

“Thank you for your help to learn English.”


Maybe it's not much of a response to you, but it is to me...and I wanted to share.

for the wild,


I'm here...

So I’m writing right now, and it feels a bit weird somehow. Maybe it’s because I haven’t written an entry about my students in a while or maybe it’s because I continue to find ways to procrastinate and push away my lesson plans for tomorrow, but whatever it is, I’m writing…and it might be more for me than for you.

I just spoke with a good friend who is doing Teach For America next year and was prompted to write after I put down the phone. Jess is an incredible person who is passionate about serving others and loving God’s children and in many ways inspired me to do what I am doing today. When I found out that she had job offers from TFA, Invisible Children, and International Justice Mission last year, I decided that I needed to get my butt in gear and find ways to streak for a living. I then applied for Teach For America, and here I am today. So when Jess talks to me about her fears, or wonderings rather, about what’s to come in the following two-year commitment, or if teaching should even happen for her it’s a little weird for me to be in this position of experience as it was I who was asking her for advice during the interview process.

When I first heard that Jess was wondering if TFA was right for her, I needed to call her right away and see why. She told me that she had been doing a lot of reading on what the organization believes and wasn’t sure if she really agreed with some of the major philosophies of Teach For America. The biggest one she is having problems with is: ALL children can succeed…it’s up to the teacher to get them to. Teach For America believes in setting high expectations and believing that EACH and EVERY child can achieve greatness; that our students in low-income communities can pass the same exams, graduate with the same high schools standards, and get into the same great colleges as their wealthier counterparts.
After my experience with students like Victor, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic who is ILLITERATE in his own Spanish language with parents who are struggling to find work and keep them in the states I begin to wonder how much I believe this. I am reminded of Marino who, try as he might, still has Mount Everest to climb. In fact, new statistics came out recently about the graduation rate of immigrant students (aka MY students): 23% of eligible immigrant students graduated in 2008. 23 %! I am supposed to believe that it is mine and the other teachers’, principals’, and educators’ fault that this rate is not the above the 60% graduation rate of the white, higher-income students?

Here is what I know: I love my students. I hope for my students. I work my ass off for my students. I try as HARD as I can to give them the gift of the English language, which without they will never receive the opportunities to succeed in this faltering country of ours. All I can do is love. All I can do is try. I need to forgive myself and my students when we fail. I need to pick myself back up daily and KNOW that God placed me here for a reason…He put me here to give these kids the love that many of them do not receive at home. I am here to represent white, Christian, straight, able-bodied, wealthy males…to expose these kids to someone of the color that often oppresses them and let them know that I am on their side…that I truly believe that they deserve a chance to succeed in this life. But “We all need someone to take out the trash” (I’ve heard this before)…I am here to fervently argue that it shouldn’t be because lack of opportunity…I am here to teach them how to love and how to care. I am here to teach them respect, and that they will receive respect when they give respect. I am here to love them.

Maybe this doesn’t make me a good teacher…maybe these things just make me a good mentor and role model. But as I know that God has me here for these reasons, he is allowing me to teach them along the way. Because my students know this is why I am here, they try for me…they learn for me…and maybe they will achieve for me. Regardless of how we get to the places where we are, if we are where God wants us to be then He will work through us and we don’t have to worry if we are doing a good job or not because God’s work is always and will always be GOOD.

for the wild,


Gratuity and Giving to ALL Who Ask

Gratuity and Giving to All Who Ask

I was reading an interview with my favorite author Shane Claiborne the other day and he brought up a verse that oddly enough I had never heard, or taken to heart, before. Luke 6:30 says, “Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not insist on getting it back.” You know, I actually remember this verse now…but it said something different to me, or was taught differently to me, than the way it speaks to me today. I remember this verse as saying “Don’t expect your money back when you loan it to friends,” not what it actually says in “Give to EVERYONE who ASKS.”

Shane says that he takes this verse to heart…that he literally gives to ALL who ask. What an idea. I always seem to justify why I do not give to many people on the Subway. “If I gave to everyone then I would be broke….so I just don’t give…they’re stories are complete lies anyways…I’ll would buy them food, but I’m on a Subway.” I’m reminded of Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm where he jokes/complains about how he has to tip everyone he comes in contact with…the taxi driver, the doorman, the guy that brings his bags to the hotel room, and so on and so on. The crazy thing is, we all tip these people. We tip our haircutters. We tip our baristas, our waiters. I’ve benefited much from tipping in the past. What strikes me is odd is that this is the social norm and yet we don’t always give to those who ask…who probably need it more. Wait, they’ll probably spend it on alcohol or cigarettes…or gamble it…they’re story is complete BS anyways, right? “Give to EVERYONE who ASKS of you.”

My roommate Nick is a great guy with a huge heart. As most of you heard about the “Miracle on the Hudson” last week where a heroic pilot safely landed all 155 people on board the US Airways flight in the Hudson River, my friend Nick hadn’t watched the news that day. The first time he heard about the story was when a woman and her kid approached him at a coffee shop and said they were on the plane. She worriedly told him that they had no place to stay and no food to eat and they were supposed to move to her cousin’s place out in North Carolina, but when the plane went down they were back on the streets. She told him that she needed groceries and had a list of things for him to buy if he had it in his heart to help out…and of course he had it in his heart. My first reaction to this story was “Baloney. If she was really on that plane she would be having a debriefing with authorities and then have a bomb hotel suite waiting for her.” Instantly realizing how callous and un-Christian my sentiment was I added (more for my sake than for his) “You know what though, she needed it. However much she was lying, she truly needed your help.” It was at this moment that my attitude changed.

This is my new attitude: I don’t care if you are lying. I don’t care if you say the same exact made-up thing every single day to convince the tourists to help you out…I need to help you out. “Give to EVERYONE who asks of you.” My point about the tipping earlier is this: If we give 20 percent to people who are doing their job (and only 15 to those who aren’t doing it so well) then why can’t we also give to people who NEED it and ASK for it? The second part of that verse was to “Not insist on getting it back.” I think we should read this as “(Do) not insist on getting any sort of payment in return.” Let’s all just give to those who ask, no matter what…wouldn’t that be radical? I’ll take the lead.

for the wild,
